Happy July 4th!
I can't believe how fast summer is flying by... and we sure are having a lot of fun! I could use another 2 months of summer, but unfortunately, we go back to school in 1 month. So we are gonna make the best of it. For those faithful readers out there, sorry I haven't had much new in the past weeks. The garden has come in and we have been busy, since Father's day, putting up everything from butter beans, cream corn, snap beans, squash, tomatoes and pickles. I made pickles for the first time this year and they turned out great! They are called lime pickles (no they don't taste like lime). They are sweetie's favorite and he is so proud of those pickles! We even took a jar to his grandparent's and parent's last night - so I know they must be good! The last thing to come from the garden will be peas. That's next week. Sweetie has been building a deck around the pool, putting up light poles and all kinds of work around the house. So I decided we needed a weekend away - no kids, no chores, no projects, just relaxing and fun! So we are off to Charleston for the weekend! Relaxing by the pool, do some outlet shopping, see the fireworks at Patriot Point...Yeah! I can't wait! Hopefully next week, things will slow back down and I can finish blogging on my Recipe Stuff before school starts back. Hope ya'll are having a fun summer too! Bye!