Monday, June 2, 2008


Well, we are off to Daytona Beach this morning. I guess I am excited. I think more or less, I am just tired from getting ready for vacation - I just want to sleep!!! haha! Maybe I can do that on the way down there. This vacation was made possible by my mother - God bless her soul! She and I have a very interesting relationship - definitely not the typical mother/daughter thing. God is using our relationship to teach me many things: self-sacrifice, patience, grace, mercy, patience, love beyond our faults, patience, did I say patience? I love my mother and am so thankful for her in my life. My own legalislm, immaturity, self-proclaimed rightness, has lead to many tumultuous years. God has seen fit that our relationship persevere through such inadequacies on my part. I have learned that I can love someone whom I don't necessarily agree with on every issue. I can graciously over look some things, and lovingly disagree with others and still have a love in my heart for them. It has taken many years of my own maturing, before our relationship has come to a semblance of normalcy. Although highly disfunctional, God has seen fit that we are mother and daughter - so I will trust His plan! Thank you mom for this wonderful vacation -I hope that we can be a blessing to you on this trip.

Sun and Fun
Here we come!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Have fun! Don't get washed up on the beach.