Monday, March 24, 2008


Well, I definitely couldn't say that I am in shape.... however I am doing better with my weight. Since November I have lost 35 pounds, 4 sizes in clothes and 1 shoe size. I am so excited that God has allowed me to persevere in this endeavour. I have found that I am a very slow creature of habit. It takes me a long time to think about changing a habit before I ever do change - that includes the way I eat - how much I eat, etc. I found that it was not so much what I ate - but that I wasn't paying attention to how much I ate. So, getting in shape.... I am doing, slowly but day at a time.

Habits are very hard to change.... lately I have been trying to form a new habit of listening to people. I usually think people just enjoy listening to me talk and care about my issues. Being a good listener and really caring about what people share with you can be difficult - especially for a selfish person like myself. It helps to be focused on other's needs, to really show you care. I think back to when people have remembered details about my crazy life and followed up later with concern. That meant so much to me that they actually remembered! I hope I can be a blessing to others in that way.

Showing every emotion on my face is a habit that I am not sure I can overcome. That may just be the way God made me. The good thing is, the older I get, the more comfortable with myself I become. I begin to realize that God made me querky, wierd, intense, silly, odd and unique. I have begun to appreciate those qualities about myself and not try to be someone I am not. So as for habits, I'll leave the rest for another day....

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