Well, I had all intentions of finishing that recipe series before returning to school, but we just got too busy trying to squeeze out as much fun and relaxation as we could this last month before starting school. Every last drop of summer, every last drop of sunlight, every last swim in the pool, ride on the 4wheelers, etc. You get the idea. And the day has finally arrived. Today is the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! I love the first day of school. All those brand new pencils, papers, notebooks, calendars, new boxes of crayons, markers, scissors, book bags, lunchboxes, uniforms, etc. Oh, the essence of order and purpose! It's like a new beginning. A chance to make new friends, catch up with old friends, start a fresh with a new teacher, learn new things. Wow! The possibilities are endless! So, we are off for that purpose today. A new school year has begun and we are excited to see the wonderful things God has in store for our family. Good-bye Summer, see you next year...
Fantastic photo! I too love the new paper, the newness of the clear, crisp pages waiting to be filled and that I shall be doing but not until Aug. 31st. I do believe that everyone here in Edmonton goes back on the same day, I'd best check for my niece! How long of a summer break did the children have there? Our children go from generally early September until late June or very early July.
I really miss buying all of the children`s school supplies, odd how a photo can stir up that memory!
Our summmer break runs from mid May to the beginning of August - approximately 10 weeks. So about the same as yours. I have been keeping up with your blog and that is wonderful news from the doctors! Praise the Lord!
I do love school, even now, I could be a perpetual student! I just love learning. Our first day went well, so we are off for day two! Have a great day darlin!
Thank you, I am so relieved that there is no cancer to be found! I believe in the power of prayer and there was a lot of that going on for me. God was passing on a reminder to me I do believe, it's time to slow down and begin to get more rest. I fully intend to listen!
Although I am enjoying this break from classes, I am looking forward to starting up again. It becomes a crazy eight months, but ya, truth be told, I too love knowledge and learning!
Today was another gift from God, it was a different day mind you but a blessed one none the less! I send you extremely well wishes from across the miles. I too hope you all the best, not only today but each and every day! God bless!
Good day Becky,
Here is a link where you can browse recipes from Company's Coming. I never knew this particular site existed until you requested a link, so thank you!
Hi Becky,
I hope that all is well in your world, I haven't seen anything from you in quite some time now. Take care and hope to see you here again one of these days.
God bless you and yours.
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